* Author: Isai Damier
* Title: Add
* Project: geekviewpoint
* Package: algorithms
* Statement:
* Add an element to a Binary Search Tree.
* Time Complexity of Solution:
* Best = const; Average = O(log(n)); Worst = O(n).
* Description:
* This function does not admit duplicate data into the BST.
public void add(int el, Node root) {
Node n = root, p = null;
while (null != n && n.data != el) {
p = n;
if (el < n.data) {
n = n.left;
} else {
n = n.right;
if (null == n) {// not duplicate
if (null == p) {
root = new Node(el);
} else if (el < p.data) {
p.left = new Node(el);
} else {
p.right = new Node(el);
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class BSTTest {
* There is really no direct way to test the add method of a BST except
* through testing some other methods of the BST: such as isEmpty, size,
* find, delete, etc. Basically, after adding an element, it can be
* checked whether that element is present on the tree.
public void testAdd() {
int el = 7;
BST bst = new BST();
assertEquals(true, bst.isEmpty());
assertEquals(0, bst.size());
assertEquals(false, bst.isEmpty());
assertEquals(1, bst.size());