by Isai Damier, Android Engineer @ Google

 * Author: Isai Damier
 * Title: Stack with Linked List
 *     Project: geekviewpoint
 *     Package: datastructure
 * Description: Stack implementation using LinkedList
 * Technical Detail:
 *    Java uses addFirst() instead of addToHead(). Also getFirst
 *    returns the head without removing it; whereas removeFirst
 *    deletes the head.
 *    A single LinkedList is used to implement this
 *    stackWithLinkedList. To implement stackWithLinkedList.push(E)
 *    addFirst(E) is used; for stackWithLinkedList.pop() revomeFirst()
 *    is used; for stackWithLinkedList.peep() getFirst() is used. The
 *    trick is to remove elements from the same end they are added.
 *    E is a generic that may be replaced with any actual object such
 *    as String or Integer or Object.
 import java.util.LinkedList;

public class StackWithLinkedList<E> {

  private LinkedList<E> list = new LinkedList<E>();
  public E peep() {
    return list.getFirst();
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class StackWithLinkedListTest {

   * Test of peep method, of class StackWithLinkedList.
  public void testPeep() {
    StackWithLinkedList<Integer> stackWithLinkedList =
            new StackWithLinkedList<Integer>();
    Integer[] inputs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0};
    for (int i : inputs) {
    assertEquals(inputs.length, stackWithLinkedList.size());
