Delete Duplicates
by Isai Damier, Android Engineer @ Google

 * Author: Isai Damier
 * Title: Singly Linked List
 * Project: geekviewpoint
 * Package: datastructure
 * Description: A LinkedList is a data structure that allows access
 *   to a collection of data using pointers/references. While an
 *   array can also be defined as above, LinkedLists and arrays differ
 *   in how they are stored in memory and in the operations they
 *   allow. Unlike an array that must be stored in a block of memory,
 *   the nodes of a LinkedList can be stored anywhere because each
 *   node has a reference to the node that succeeds it. Because the
 *   nodes are stored so loosely, inserting nodes into a LinkedList
 *   is easy; whereas in an array, all the succeeding elements must
 *   be shifted. Of course, insertion also means changing the size of
 *   the array, which means creating the entire array anew.
 *   Perhaps the greatest beauty of LinkedList is that it allows
 *   accessing an entire sequence of nodes using only one variable:
 *   a reference to the first node in the sequence.
 *   Countless operations can be performed on LinkedLists. Following
 *   are a few, ranging from the common to the very interesting.
 public class SinglyLinkedList {

  Node head = null;
  Node tail = null;

   * Time Complexity of Solution:
   *   O(n).
   * Description: Delete all duplicates from this list, such that
   *   iabcdeafgdc becomes iabcdefg
   * Technical Details: The easiest way to remove duplicates from
   *   a collection tends to be with a hashmap. Here is a process:
   *   0] traverse the list, sending data to a linked hashmap, which
   *      discards duplicates. (Do deleteFromHead if acceptable)
   *   1] empty the linked hashmap into a new linked list.
   *   Time Complexity is O(n); Space Complexity is O(n)
  public void deleteDuplicates() {//min, max, avg, sum, size
    Map<Integer, Integer> noDups = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    Node t = null;
    while (null != (t = this.deleteFromHead())) //if(!noDups.containsKey( not necessary
      noDups.put(, 1);
    //reconstruct linkedlist
    for (int k : noDups.keySet()) {
public class SinglyLinkedListTest {

   * Test of deleteDuplicates method, of class SinglyLinkedList.
  public void testDeleteDuplicates() {
    int[] input = {2, 19, 11, 5, 17, 11, 1, 17, 2, 11};
    SinglyLinkedList linkedList = new SinglyLinkedList();
    for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
    int[] exp = {2, 19, 11, 5, 17, 1};
    assertTrue(Arrays.equals(exp, linkedList.toArray()));