Addition of Fractions
by Isai Damier, Android Engineer @ Google

# Author: Isai Damier
# Title: Addition of Fractions
# Project: geekviewpoint
# Package: algorithms
# Statement:
#   Add the two given positive fractions
# Sample Input: [5,6], [7,8])
# Sample Output: [41,24]
# Technical Details:
#   This is the same algorithm you learned in grade school:
#   1) find the lowest common denominator, which is the same as finding
#     the lowest common multiplier of the given denominators.
#   2) Convert the given fractions into equivalent fractions with the
#     new denominator
#   3) add the numerators
#   4) reduce the resulting fraction by dividing the GCD (greatest
#     common divisor) of its numerator and denominator.
 def addingFractions( a, b ):
  denominator = LCM( a[1], b[1] )
  numA = denominator / a[1] * a[0]
  numB = denominator / b[1] * b[0]
  numerator = numA + numB
  gcd = GCD( numerator, denominator )
  return [numerator / gcd, denominator / gcd]
import unittest
from algorithms import numbers as algorithm

class Test( unittest.TestCase ):

  def testAddingFractions( self ):
      a = [5, 6]
      b = [7, 8]
      expResult = [41, 24]
      result = algorithm.addingFractions( a, b )
      self.assertEquals( expResult, result )