by Isai Damier, Android Engineer @ Google

# Author: Isai Damier
# Title: Permutation
# Project: geekviewpoint
# Package: algorithms
# Statement:
#   Returns a list of all the permutations of the given set
# Sample Input: [1,2,3]
# Sample Output: [1,2,3]; [1,3,2]; [2,1,3]; [2,3,1]; [3,1,2]; [3,2,1]
# Description:
# Technical Details:
#   One way of verifying the correctness of the result is to count the
#   number of permutations returned. From arithmetics, we know that the
#   number of permutations for a set is equal to the factorial of the
#   size of the set: 3! = 6.
#   This recursive algorithm is usually referred to as Heap's
#   permutation, in honor of B. R. Heap.
#   If a programmer simply wishes to print the permutations instead of
#   returning them in a list, [code 2] should replace [code 1] below.
#   [code 1]:
#     if(1 == n)
#       factorials.add(Arrays.copyOf(list, list.length));
#   [code 2]:
#    if 1 == n:
#     for i in aList
#      print("%s, ") % i
 def permutation( aList ):
  factorials = []
  _permutation( aList, len( aList ), factorials )
  return factorials

def _permutation( aList, n, factorials ):
  if 1 == n:
    factorials.append( list( aList ) )
    for i in range( n ):
      _permutation( aList, n - 1, factorials )
      if 0 == n % 2:
        swap( aList, 0, n - 1 )
        swap( aList, i, n - 1 )

def swap( aList, x, y ):
  t = aList[x]
  aList[x] = aList[y]
  aList[y] = t
import unittest
from algorithms import numbers as algorithm

class Test( unittest.TestCase ):

  def testPermutation( self ):

      expected = [[1, 2, 3], [2, 1, 3], [3, 2, 1], [2, 3, 1], [3, 1, 2],
                   [1, 3, 2]]

      result = algorithm.permutation( [1, 2, 3] )
      self.assertEquals( expected, result )